Famous paintings recreated using emoji

Goya-moji ⌘Goya-moji ⌘

Famous Paintings Recreated using Emoji via waxy.org

May 5, 2024

Lovely Tulip Surprise from my Sister in Law

Tulips in orange and yellow ⌘Tulips in orange and yellow ⌘

April 3, 2024

I am Just NOW finding out about this??


To celebrate its stateside debut, KFC will transform its restaurant at 242 E 14th St. in New York City — the pizza capital of the U.S. — into a one-of-a-kind Chizzeria” pop-up where customers will get to try Chizza before anyone else for free.** The KFC Chizzeria offers one menu item only, hot & fresh Chizza, in a KFC-ified, modern take on a classic pizzeria. The world’s first Chizzeria (probably) opens its doors for a limited time, Friday, Feb. 23-Feb. 24 (1-9 p.m. ET), but don’t worry, Chizza is available to the rest of the country starting Monday, Feb. 26.

Found via this random post on Bluesky and frankly KFC is not doing its job because that should not have been the first place I learned about this. Yes it’s only in the states but I HAVE A CAR, KFC.

March 14, 2024

New EXO Comic made me lol

EXO Comic by Li Chen from March 13, 2024 ⌘EXO Comic by Li Chen from March 13, 2024 ⌘

via exocomics by Li Chen on Bluesky, which I can link to now because Bluesky is out of beta! The twitter replacement is real and viable, y’all, get on board.

March 13, 2024

I’m becoming a fashion icon

Me wearing a vintage northern reflections shirt ⌘Me wearing a vintage northern reflections shirt ⌘

March 11, 2024

All my lunches this week were Super Bowl leftovers

Super Bowl lunches ⌘Super Bowl lunches ⌘

February 16, 2024