Last night I dreamed about eating spaghetti sandwiches

I even dreamed that there was a wikipedia article for them.

I was pleased to learn this morning that this is, in fact, the case.

January 16, 2020

More Christmas gifts from friendsMore Christmas gifts from friends

January 7, 2020

Tweets that are also web hosting jokesTweets that are also web hosting jokes

January 2, 2020

Gift from my best friendGift from my best friend

January 2, 2020

A Further Post Regarding Lemon Pig

This was the recipe” post that inspired Lemon Pig, something I saw on twitter a few years ago, but failed to do.

Lemon Pig RecipeLemon Pig Recipe

But when it came around again this year, I had to join in. I’m quite proud of my wonky-eyed lemon pig. As soon as it was made, I gave it to my friends children, my honorary niece and nephews, who used it to keep away a mysterious thing” they heard making noise outside (it was the wind). When they went to bed they took Lemon Pig with them, and I heard them yelling Good night, Lemon Pig!! Good luck!!”

I’m never again going to miss out on making a Lemon Pig for New Years.

January 2, 2020

New Year Lemon PigNew Year Lemon Pig

December 31, 2019